
The following is a digital gallery of Shawn McCraney’s acrylic art. Shawn is artistically oriented and cannot help but see life, God and most things in existence from this world view. This natural trait and inclination are most obvious in his teachings and writings and in the principles and connections he makes in them but can also be seen in his attempts at materially expressing his mind through the deconstruction of perfectly produced ½ panels of acrylic – which are typically black. Facing pieces of these mass produced panels, Shawn employes power tools (sanders, routers, angle-saws, drills, sandblasters) and deconstructs their perfect surfaces as a means to represent not only a message but a message that is produced though deconstruction, destruction and through a process that is painful, marring and at times utterly out of control. Shawn has also included some mix mediums in this process of deconstruction including steel, wires, spray paint, acrylic paint, glass and even cement. The last four years he has put his hand to recreating biblical events and characters through these unique expressions. 

Dark Challenger

4' x 8' X 2", MULTIMEDIA





The Book of Revelation, Revelation Cover

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The book of Revelation was written to actual believers who gathered in seven literal churches in an area called Asia Minor when it was composed. John was told to record what he saw in vision and to give it to these churches to read. All of the information revealed was, according to the first verse of the book, to occur "shortly", proving that Revelation was written to them, then.

Tree of Christian Living, Revelation Chapter 22

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 Within the new eternal Kingdom is a tree with a river of water gushing forth to all the world with the same message: "And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." This, along with the depictions of Chapter 21, describe the age people live in today.

New Jerusalem, Revelation Chapter 21

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 A new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem (established previously) are all now in place. The Kingdom of God is spiritual and operates from heaven with gates open day and night on every side of the wall surrounding it. By faith in Christ the Kingdom is accessed. All refusing to receive Him dwell outside the walls of this heavenly kingdom.

The Great White Throne, Revelation Chapter 20

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 Hell is then emptied out. There is a grand white throne judgement where all from that age are judged by what is written in those books. Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will have "their part" in the Lake of Fire where Satan, the Beast and the False Prophet have been cast.

Hallelujah, Revelation Chapter 19

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The glorified Lord returns in the clouds, riding on a horse with a sword, as promised.

Revelation Chapter 18

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 Jerusalem is filled with demons and evil birds so the faithful make their exodus from her before Jesus returns with judgement.

Whore, Revelation Chapter 17

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The whore of Babylon, identified as fallen Israel, sits on the back of the seven-headed beast (Rome). Her sitting on this beast is a representation of her being intimate with it. This beast will eventually turn on her and devour her.

Seven Bowls, Revelation Chapter 16

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The seven bowls are poured out - one causing pain, one on the sea, one on the Euphrates river, one on the sun (causing angry pain), one of the throne of the Beast, one to dry the Euphrates river up, and one to cause earthquakes. Unclean frogs appear hearkening back to Moses and the plagues on Egypt.

Seven Angels, Revelation Chapter 15

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 Seven Heavenly angels appear out of heaven with each bearing a bowl of sorrow to pour out upon the land.

The 144,000, Revelation Chapter 14

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The Lamb of God appears on Mount Zion with the 144,000 represented as stars. Three more angels announce the harvest of the land's wheat and grapes.

Anti-Christ, Revelation Chapter 13

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The anti-Christ is described, revealed and identified by a number six hundred and sixty six, a calculation from the Hebrew gematria which secretly reveals the identity of Caesar Nero to all with eyes to see.

Pregnant Woman, Revelation Chapter 12

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 A great wonder appears in heaven of a pregnant woman about to deliver a child. The moon is under her feet, and above her head a crown of twelve stars. A great dragon with seven heads and a tail that draws one third of the hosts of heaven away with his tail seeks to devour the child as soon as it is born. The Lord oversees it all.

Two Witnesses, Revelation Chapter 11

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 Two witnesses lay dead in the streets of Jerusalem for three days but are then miraculously raised-up again.

Another Angel, Revelation Chapter 10

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 Another angel from heaven (who was clothed with a cloud, had a rainbow on his head, a face like the sun, and feet like pillars of fire) has a small scroll in his hand with a foot on land and a foot on sea.

Apollyon, Revelation Chapter 9

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 A fifth angel with a key to the bottomless pit opens it and releases smoke that darkens the sun and sky. From the smoke comes "locusts" (Roman soldiers) with the power to stink like scorpions. Their king, bearing a sword, is identified as Abaddon (in Hebrew) and Apollyon (in Greek).

Seventh Seal, Revelation Chapter 8

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The Seventh Seal is broken. One angel with a golden shovel filled with fire casts it to earth while four of the seven angels blow their trumpets bringing great tribulation to the same. Another angel warns of the three angels yet to sound.

Twelve Tribes, Revelation Chapter 7

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 Angels hold back winds from the four corners of the land while another angel seals 12,000 from every tribe of Israel (which names in Hebrew surround the scene) and who compose 144,000 of the faithful. The living creatures, elders and angels are all around the throne worshipping God and those in white robes are identified as those who came out of the Great Tribulation having washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.

Horsemen, Revelation Chapter 6

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The four horsemen of the apocalypse are uniquely depicted as riding on a white horse, a speckled horse, a black horse and a green horse. The first six seals of the Apocalypse are broken in this scene.

The Worthy Lamb, Revelation Chapter 5

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The Lamb of God before a host of numerous angels is decidedly called, "Worthy". The artist suggests that the Lamb of God in the Book of Revelation is always a representation of the incarnate Christ.

Throne Room, Revelation Chapter 4

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The throne room of the Lord God Almighty is presented with the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders casting their crowns before Him.

Three Churches, Revelation Chapter 3

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The remaining three churches in Asia Minor are depicted as pastors with the first Greek letter of their church name also included in their robes. These churches were also either warned by the Lord, complimented, or both.

Four Churches, Revelation Chapter 2

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 The first four of the seven churches of Asia minor are depicted as pastors with the first Greek letter of their Church name included in their robes. These churches were either warned, complimented, or both, by the Lord.

Patmos, Revelation Chapter 1

2' x 2' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC, 2021 John the beloved is depicted on the Isle of Patmos when he first encounters Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega, and is told to write what he will see.

Epistemology III


Brothers Forever

4' x 4' x .5", Black Acrylic


4' x 8' x .5", Black Acrylic

The Bublitz’s

4' x 4' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC

Hid Not My Face

4' x 8' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC

Goats of the Hills

8' X 4' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC

Heidi Whitman Wangsgaard

4' X 4' X .5", BLACK ACRYLIC

Tyler Cassidy

4' x 4' x .5", Black Acrylic
